Fullcalendar Available Slots
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- Fullcalendar Available Slots Online
This tutorial is going to show you how to work with a FullCalendar plugin included to some JS Animated templates. How to work with FullCalendar plugin. FullCalendar is a jQuery plugin that provides a full-sized, drag & drop calendar. One user Can book the slot for Appointment and this slot will be visible for his/and for those his took the appointment, i want to save this details in table and update/delete/fetch from the Table but its not happening because in sample it has only JavaScript events also in calendar i want to display slots like 12 to 12:30 insteed of start. Fullcalendar Slots stake. £10 Minimum stakes within 7 days. Minimum 5 game rounds. Game restrictions apply. Maximum 50 Free Spins on selected games, credited Fullcalendar Slots within 48 hours of qualifying.
I'm trying to make the selected day in FullCalender.io highlighted (similarly to how the current day is).
Following FullCalendar - Highlight a particular day in week view I've tried the following, which basically re-renders the calendar on a click, and highlights the cell who's date matches the clicked date .
But it's not doing anything. :-(
you can use this piece of code in v1.x
CSS .fc-state-highlight {background:red;}
Note: this can be achived by other ways also by making use of data-date
attribute of cell and date
parameter of function dayClick
Fullcalendar Available Slots App
Rails fullcalendar
Fullcalendar Available Slots Games
Issue is of function keyword change your js as : $(document).ready -> $('#calendar').fullCalendar header: left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,basicWeek,agendaDay' events: '/events.json' eventClick: (event, jsEvent) -> var modal = $('#modal'); modal.find('.modal-title').html(event.title); modal.modal(); return Hope this will help you. ...
Setting custom colors when fetching events data using FullCalendar does not seem to work
I tried locally, its working fine... $('#calendar').fullCalendar( { header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay' }, eventSources: [ { events: [ // put the array in the `events` property { title : 'event1', start : '2015-05-01' }, { title : 'event2', start : '2015-05-05', end : '2015-05-07' },...
fullcalendar event rendering performance issue
In fullcalendars source-code (at least in my version of it) there is the renderEvent-handler, that calls reportEvents -function which is the bottleneck of performance. I worked my way around this issue, by adding handling of mass-rendering events to the source-code. I wrote a short function: function massRenderEvents(events, stick) { var...
AngularJs - Get return value of a function
var app = angular.module('app', []); //Controller app.controller('calendarCtrl', function() { this.onSelect = function(arg, arg2) { alert(arg + ' ' + arg2) } }); //Directive app.directive('calendar', function(){ return { restrict: 'A', scope: { select: '&' }, link: function(scope, element, attrs) { //Generate the Calendar element.fullCalendar({ selectable: true, //On Day Select select: function(start,...
Jquery qtip “is not a function” - Ruby on Rails
Ended up just solving this myself, so wanted to post the answer for anyone with the same issue. It turns out that I had to download The Qtip .js file and place it in assets/javascripts, as well as still include it in the application.js file. I guess I mistakenly thought...
Send additional data to a FullCalendar json feed via POST
From the documentation (jQuery $.ajax options): You can also specify any of the jQuery $.ajax options within the same object! This allows you to easily pass additional parameters to your feed script, as well as listen to ajax callbacks So, you need to use the correct $.ajax options, specifically the...
Removing all the eventSources in fullCalendar
I did exactly what you want to do in a recent project. Fullcalendar supports nonstandard fields. Non-standard Fields In addition to the fields above, you may also include your own non-standard fields in each Event Object. FullCalendar will not modify or delete these fields. For example, developers often include a...
Displaying the JqueryUI dialog box at a given coordinates of the screen
I do this using css, this lets you decide where the dialog is generated and will also leave it there when you scroll, first in your css add this class: (make this however you want it, I use it so my dialog is always in the center of my...
fullcalendar: can't view, the page is empty
<html> <head> <link href='http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fullcalendar/2.3.1/fullcalendar.min.css'> <link href=' https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/fullcalendar/2.3.1/fullcalendar.print.css'> <script type='text/javascript' src='http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.10.2/moment.min.js'></script>...
How to post additional parameters via JQuery with FullCalendar in Rails?
As a testament to my inexperience and naivety, I came to the realisation that your data shouldn't contain a reserved key used by the ajax request. Changed the type field to post_type and it worked like a charm. DOH! ...
fullcalendar.js slot highlighting
Okay while waiting for the 90 minutes questioning delay i figured out a solution for this: instead of actually accessing the cell i render a new event on that cell: $('#calendar').fullCalendar('renderEvent', { title:', color:'007A00', start:date, end:date_end, editable:false, }); so here's the full 'dayClick': dayClick: function(date, jsEvent, view) { var now...
Highlighting the selected date in FullCalendar
you can use this piece of code in v1.x $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ dayClick: function (date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { $('.fc-state-highlight').removeClass('fc-state-highlight'); $(jsEvent.target).addClass('fc-state-highlight'); } }); v2.X $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ dayClick: function (date, jsEvent, view) { $('.fc-state-highlight').removeClass('fc-state-highlight'); $(jsEvent.target).addClass('fc-state-highlight'); } }); CSS .fc-state-highlight {background:red;} Note: this can be achived by other ways also by making use of#removeBtn').off('click').on('click', function(e) { $('#calendar').fullCalendar('removeEvents', event._id); }); $('#modalRemove').modal(); }); } Note how all the click events are unbound from the #removeBtn button via off() prior to binding...
How to call function on change anything on full calendar
please use following method of full calendar eventAfterAllRender (callback) for more information This link I hopes it's may helps you...
How to display events in basicWeek on more than one line
It is because of this piece of CSS that the title gets wrapped. .fc-day-grid-event .fc-content { white-space: nowrap; } Add the CSS below, after fullcalendar.css: .fc-day-grid-event .fc-content { white-space: normal; } jsfiddle...
Mutliple business hours in full calendar with two shifts each day
I also needed the same feature. I forked the repo to https://github.com/dtmonterrey/fullcalendar and implemented a solution that works for me. It works with a single businessHours definition or with an array of businessHours definitions (like the example you tried). Example: businessHours:[ { start: '09:00', end: '13:00', dow: [1, 2] },...
FullCalendar: refetchEvents call causes to all meetings to blink during re-rendering
My suggestion is to do the ajax request first (where you initially put .fullCalendar('refetchEvents')), and if it succeeds, then call refetchevents. The code will look something like this: var events = []; $.get('/events/get', function(result){ events = result; }); $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ events: function (start, end, timezone, callback) { callback(events); } }); ...

Title on FullCalendar month view not displaying properly
Tom, make sure that you are serving your HTML as UTF-8: header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); Include the tag below right after the html tag. <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' /> ...
Full calendar Timezone Moment js Issue
FullCalendar's time zone documentation explains that named time zones are expected to be calculated on the server. While it supports tagging events with a time zone, it doesn't do any time zone conversion on the client-side. Unless this behavior changes in a future release, it doesn't fit the scenario you...
jQuery DatePicker in combination with fullcalendar and jQuery dialog, mindate not working
Appearantly you can't set your mindate with a dynamic value because the datepicker is only created once, what you have to do is set it using options every time the value changes like this: $('#enddate').datepicker('option', 'minDate', $mindate); I guess this technically solves my question but it shows the wrong date...
FullCalendar plugin dayClick not working
alert is turned off in JSBin. You shouldn't debug with alert because it stops code execution. While JSBin is a great tool for building quick samples, it makes debugging harder. And as @idoberko2 says: You should put jQuery as first included script. Here is a working JSBin...
Fullcalendar returning epoch time values to the database
Try this $newstrt=substr($start_day,0,10); $newend=substr($end_day,0,10); $events->start= date('Y-m-d',$newstrt); $events->end= date('Y-m-d', $newend); $events->save(); ...
FullCalendar today-button: date instead of text // issue with the lang
Well, I found out how to do it. Step 1: Get the languages. Go to the locale directory of moment.js on github and download the languages you need. I took de.js, en.js & fr.js. Step 2: Upload them to your server. I made a new folder in the FullCalendar directory...
impossible to convert a date more than three weeks with momentjs
Don't create the moment instance from a string without specifying the format. It will behave differently on each browser. Instead, use the String + Format constructor: moment('01/05/2015', 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-DD-MM'); // => '2015-01-05' moment('30/05/2015', 'DD/MM/YYYY').format('YYYY-DD-MM'); // => '2015-30-05' From moment.js docs: Warning: Browser support for parsing strings is inconsistent. Because there is...
Populating events in full calender javascript from the database

Build an array in your php and format it as json in your javascript. Pass the formatted json to the event property like this : events: buildRecordsToJson(calendar_records) function buildRecordsToJson(calendar_records){ var employees = []; for(var record in calendar_records) { var item = calendar_records[record]; employees.push({ 'title' : 'Case # ' + item.case_number,...
How to grey out non working day in agendaDay view with arshaw fullcalendar v2.3.0
I think this is a bug but I created a workaround. It creates a background event when fullcalendar is in the agendaDay view and the current day is not in the DateOfWeek array. $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ businessHours: { start: '08:00', end: '17:00', dow: [0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] }, viewRender: function...
Adding custom month buttons to FullCalendar
Try this.. This will add button to the right when the page loads. write this inside ready function. $('.fc-right').find('.fc-button-group').after('<input type='button' value='january'); Then inside the function. function gotoJan() { $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'gotoDate', '2014-01-01'); } ...
How do I add cursor pointer on each day ( greater then current day ) block of fullcaledar.
You will have to use both css cursor:pointer property as well as fullcalendar dayRender function follow the code bellow: JS $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ dayRender: function(date, cell) { if(date.format('YYYY-MM-DD') > $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'getDate' ).format('YYYY-MM-DD')) { $(cell).addClass('custom_pointer'); } } }); CSS .custom_pointer {cursor:pointer;} ...
Fullcalendar Month View - adjust to actual number of weeks in month
Your looking for the fixedWeekCount option. From the documentation, you can see that: If true, the calendar will always be 6 weeks tall. If false, the calendar will have either 4, 5, or 6 weeks, depending on the month. So, if you want to display the correct number of weeks...
how to give multiple colors in the same cell in a full calendar?
Found a way by my own to give multiple colors. but couldn't divided the cell. i am posting it assuming it will help someone else when they need something like that. i changed only the script <script> $(document).ready(function() { var selected_date; var holiday_list =<?php echo json_encode($calendar_results); ?>; var downHall=[]; var...
FullCalendar: receive error while trying to display events using json file
You have to provide a parameter called ch. Not sure what it is data: { 'ch': 'something I don't know' }, ...
fullCalendar jquery users id
When you log in store the user_id in a session: session[:user_id]=user.id in your application controller class ApplicationController < ... def current_user @current_user = session[:user_id] && User.find_by_id(session[:user_id]) # Use find_by_id to get nil instead of an error if user doesn't exist end helper_method :current_user #make this method available in views end...
fullCalendar User events
For this you can do like this: 1)Add two buttons on your view named as 'User Events' and 'All Users Events'. 2)Now set a global variable in your js named as calEvents. 3)Now use button click event that means set the value of calEvents equal to current_user event when user...
Fullcalender customizing the Agenda display
Fullcalendar have rich callback set to configure: You should use eventRender to modify it (hide title in already constructed is best way of it). Do not try construct new element and replace original The same eventRender where you can add CSS or class and then change per event or direct...
Get details of days of week using fullcalender
To get the start-/enddates for a particular week you can use the viewRender callback to retrieve the information. $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ defaultView: 'agendaWeek', viewRender: function(view, e){ console.log(view.start, view.end); } }); This code will log the start & enddates in console when you change weeks....
“Previous” and “Next” buttons in FullCalendar Producing “OFF” message
This is the code responsible for what you're seeing, in custom.js $('#evansCal').click(function() { if ($(this).text() 'OFF') { $('#eventCal').fullCalendar('addEventSource',evansGCal); $('#eventCal').fullCalendar('addEventSource',evansGKidsCal); $('#eventCal').fullCalendar('addEventSource',teenGCal); $(this).text('ON'); $(this).removeClass('btn-default'); $(this).addClass('btn-info'); } else { $('#eventCal').fullCalendar('removeEventSource',evansGCal.googleCalendarId);...
fullcalendar events with data from database sent as Json
appearantly I am an idiot: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ //calendar options here events: 'getLogs'}); should be: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ //calendar options here events: 'getlogs'}); ...
Calendar Month and Year Not changing on dropdown year and month
After your template with class calendar has been added to the HTML you can use $('#myCalendar'). If the calendar is already rendered you can't use: $('#myCalendar').fullCalendar({gotoDate: moment(Session.get('date'))}); To go to a date you might want to call: $('#myCalendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', moment(Session.get('date'))); ...
Cannot compare Carbon instances in Laravel 5?
This was a small mistake on my end where I was not setting the end date for the event in my DB and hence the query where all the events for the authenticated users was working correctly. In fact the query for >= start would also have worked alone but...
How to (sort of) add code to fullcalendar's renderEvents handler?
According to the documentation eventAfterAllRender is a callback, so you can do this: $('#your-calendar-element').fullCalendar({ eventAfterAllRender: function (view) { // add your code here } }); ...
Angular ui-calendar => How to use gotoDate?
Looking at the lib's source code seems like you won't have direct access to the instance from the view, so you have to do two things: inject 'uiCalendarConfig' in your controller. This variable will be an object with the 'calendars' attribute. In this attribute there's another object with the calendar...
Full Calendar Time interval Should be 1 hour and start from 6:30
Your issue is the place where you've put your options. It should be $('#available_classes_calendar').fullCalendar({ header: { left : 'prev,next', center : 'title' }, defaultView: 'agendaWeek', allDaySlot: false, minTime: '06:30:00', maxTime: '24:00:00', slotDuration: '60:00:01' }); Regarding the display of 06:30, 07:30 and so on, on the vertical axis, you need to...
Hiding Events without a Description in FullCalendar + Google Calendar
From the docs: The function can also return false to completely cancel the rendering of the event. So you can do something like this eventRender: function(event, element, view) { if (!event.description) return false; } ...
FullCalendar event directing to wrong url
I figured it out. When JavaScript promt() asks me what url I would like to attach to my event I didn't add 'http://' in front of it. So when I did that, it worked!...
render fullcalendar and one backlog with just one json source
Actually that is quite easy. Assuming that your script on server side generates an array of two json (events and backlog), you just need to open the file fullcalendar.js and search: success: function(events) { events = events []; var res = applyAll(success, this, arguments); if ($.isArray(res)) { events =...
Fullcalendar hide time slots
Remove/hide time slot ranges · Issue #3307 · fullcalendar , I've been able to remove time slot ranges based on background events created by my users (see below), this is all working great and looks fine Determines how wide each of the time-axis slots will be. Specified as a number of pixels. When not specified, a reasonable value will be automatically computed.
How to hide time-slots in 'agendaWeek' View of FullCalendar , not sure if that's what you mean. but to hide the first column in schedule try this css selector (remove formID3A if you got prependId = 'false' in To hide them all, the following should work $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ displayEventTime : false }); But if you (like me) were trying to hide the time of a specific event, I found pretty clean way. Just create the following CSS class and refer to it in the event property 'className':.hideCalendarTime > div > span.fc-time{ display:none; }
slotDuration, The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21); Hiring The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21) Hiring — Technical Documentation Writer (posted Jul 14)
Full calendar select time slot
Date Clicking & Selecting, Detect when the user clicks on dates or times. Give the user the ability to select multiple dates or time slots with their mouse. Give the user the ability to select multiple dates or time slots with their mouse or touch device. selectable Allows a user to highlight multiple days or timeslots by clicking and dragging.
Date Clicking & Selecting, Finally i got solution. dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) { alert(date); // Gives Sat Nov 21 2015 19:00:00 GMT+0000 }. Here date gives me Sat Nov 21 If you tap on the Suggest Times option, you’ll be redirected to a new window that shows your calendar. You’ll get to choose options such as meeting duration and select free time slots accordingly.
Full calendar: On click of time slot wrong time selected, Sure, it's useful. You can trigger that alert on select : select: function(start, end, allDay, jsEvent, view) { alert('you have clicked on this slot'); },. In the event box that pops up, click Appointment slots. Enter the details, including a title, and pick the calendar where you want the event to show up. To add more information, like a location or
Fullcalendar custom time slots
Customize the time slots in Fullcalendar, There are options like slotMinutes which let you customize the way the slots are displayed, but the timeSlots are displayed per hour by default. There is no option that let's you customize that display. However, you could customize the code - fork it on github and change what you need. Is it possible to customize the time slots in the day and week view in the Fullcalendar plugin so it would look like a timetable that are used in schools for example. To be specific what the requirement is: One slot could be from 08:00 to 08:45 and the next one could be from 08:45 to 09:00.
Custom time slot grids for week view · Issue #4448 · fullcalendar , Hi, Generally , we do have time slot grids like 6:00 to 6:30 and 6:31 to 7:00. These are 2 time slots, between these we get a grid line.Now i will The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight).. Determines the first time slot, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way back.
slotDuration, The frequency for displaying time slots. Duration, default: '00:30:00' (30 minutes). News: Blog — V5 Officially Released! (June 21); Hiring When creating a custom-duration view, reasonable defaults for the slot-related settings will automatically be chosen. The following options are specific to Timeline view. However, there are numerous other options throughout the docs that affect the display of Timeline view, such as the locale-related options , date/time display options , and
Full calendar time range
visibleRange, Sets the exact date range that is visible in a view. Object or Function. If your calendar has only one view, you can set the visible range explicitly:. Add own events to PDF Calendar. The year 2020 is a leap year, with 366 days in total. Calendar type: Gregorian calendar. No holidays are currently shown or available. Holidays are not shown. Select Holidays:
validRange, Dates outside of the valid range will be grayed-out. which is useful for constraining navigation and events to a window of time in the future. To change the time range for all calendars in Outlook, please do as follows: 1. Click File > Options to o pen the Outlook Options dialog box. 2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, please click Calendar in the left bar, and then specify the new time range in both Start time and End time boxes. See screenshot:
Time Range on a week and day view, Try using the agendaDay view with this: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ minTime: '07:00:00', maxTime: '21:00:00' });. minTime: Determines the Calendar Generator – Create a calendar for any year. Monthly Calendar – Shows only 1 month at a time; Custom Calendar – Make advanced customized calendars; Printable Calendar (PDF) – Calendars especially made for printing; Date Calculators. Duration Between Two Dates – Calculates number of days. Date Calculator – Add or subtract
Fullcalendar start time
minTime, The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight). Determines the first time slot, even when the The default '00:00:00' means the start time will be at the very beginning of the day (midnight). Determines the first time slot, even when the scrollbars have been scrolled all the way back.
firstHour, Values must be from 0-23, where 0=midnight, 1=1am, etc. The user will be able to scroll upwards to see events before this time. If you want to If the time parts of only start or end is provided, FullCalendar assumes that allDay is false. start. As defined above, this is the date when an event begins. In other words, the event starts from this given date value and continues onwards. This value specifies the inclusive start of the event.
Event::setStart, Sets an event's start date. If you'd like to set both the start and end at the same time, use setDates instead. If there are other events that share Time-text will only be displayed for Event Objects that have allDay equal to false. Here is an example of displaying all events in a 24-hour format: $ ( '#calendar' ). fullCalendar ({ events : [ { title : 'My Event' , start : '2010-01-01T14:30:00' , allDay : false } // other events here ], timeFormat : 'H(:mm)' // uppercase H for 24-hour clock });
Fullcalendar duration
duration, Special Case. If the duration is specified like {weeks:1} , then the dateAlignment will automatically default to start-of-week. However, if it is FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help If the duration is specified like {weeks:1}, then the dateAlignment will automatically default to start-of-week.
Fullcalendar Available Slots Online
Duration Object, Duration Object. A duration is a way to express an amount of time that has passed. It can also be used to express a time-of- A duration is a way to express an amount of time that has passed. It can also be used to express a time-of-day, in other words, the amount of time that has passed since the start of the day. FullCalendar’s API accepts durations at various points, such as slotDuration. It can be specified in one of three ways:
duration, Example for a Custom View: $('#calendar').fullCalendar({ defaultView: 'agendaFourDay', views: { agendaFourDay: { type: 'agenda', duration: In FullCalendar’s API, most options that accept Durations also conveniently accept anything that the moment.duration constructor accepts, including the following: '23:59' // hours/minutes '23:59:59' // hours/minutes/seconds '1.23:59:59' // days/hours/minutes/seconds { days:1, hours:23, minutes:59 } // an object.
Fullcalendar v4
V4 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide, A year after the project first began, version 4 is finally released. A tremendous amount of work went into it. FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.2 These docs are for an old release.
V4 Officially Released, CSS Importing. In v4, it was your responsibility to import all of fullcalendar's stylesheets. You may have done this in one your project's SASS files. Or, Version 4 is the biggest FullCalendar release to date. It sheds a number of outdated dependencies and offers a more modern API. It is also the first time connector plugins to third-party libraries are offered. Major breaking changes: Removal of jQuery as a dependency. Consequently: Raw DOM nodes are used in place of jQuery objects
V5 Release Notes and Upgrade Guide, License · Premium · v5.3.0. These docs are for an old release. Info on upgrading to v5. main icon view table-of-contents view. v5, v4, v3, v2, v1 FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.1 View API. defaultView
Fullcalendar snapduration
snapDuration, snapDuration. The time interval at which a dragged event will snap to the time axis. Also affects the granularity at which selections can be made snapDuration. The time interval at which a dragged event will snap to the time axis. Also affects the granularity at which selections can be made. Duration. The default value will be whatever slotDuration is, which defaults to half an hour.
How to use snapDuration in fullCalendar?, It's not explicitly stated in the documentation but it appears that snapDuration only comes into effect when its duration is smaller than the FullCalendar. Demos Docs Community Getting Help Reporting Bugs Requesting Features Contributing License Premium v5.3.0 Documentation
when snapDuration larger than slotDuration, buggy selection , I'd appreciate any suggestions! @arshaw arshaw transferred this issue from fullcalendar/fullcalendar When selecting a time interval to add an event to the calendar, I expect it to 'snap' to the snapDuration value (e.g., 2 hours) but it is only constrained by the slotDuration (e.g., 30 minutes). I can add some extra javascript to get the constraint I need, but I would prefer to handle this natively with fullcalendar if possible.